Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Where I am King (2014)

Also Known As: -
Year of first release: 2014
Director: Carlos Siguion-Reyna
Actors:  Robert Arevalo, Rez Cortez, Cris Villonco
Country: RP
Genre: Drama, Comedy
Conditions of visioning: 02.05.2014, Teatro Nuovo, FEFF2015
Synopsis: After loosing his company and most of his money, the CEO and founder decides to move back the poor area where he was born and raised, taking his grandchildren with him.
Review: The description of  slum comedy fits rather well this movie, although the comedy side is not very pronounced but always appears on cue. The movie carries simple messages that I like from Filipino cinema: family is more important than money, never forget where you come from, and when love is concerned appearances and stereotypes don't matter. This honesty and simplicity is already what we liked in JoRafCinema's favorite from the FEFF2014: Shift. The director who was present at the FEFF to promote this movie told us that the main character is inspired by his own father, which make it even more touching.
Another common point is the use of music: both movie contain a character that composes music, and the guitar soundtrack is nice, although I got a bit tired of the repetitive theme music in Where I am King. The movie is appealing in spite of its weak points: sometimes simplistic story with characters taking too fast decisions that will affect their lives, not always perfect actors, and a general naive approach to life.
When I think back about my first contact with Filipino cinema at the FEFF2006 with the both cheap The Aquarium and Exodus: Tales from the Enchanted Kingdom, what a progression! But is it that the selection of the FEFF is getting better or the cinema from that country is improving?
Rating: 6 /10

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