Thursday, November 12, 2015

Fantastic Four (2015)

Also Known As: -
Year of first release: 2015
Director: Josh Trank (Chronicle)
Actors: Miles Teller (Divergent), Kate Mara (Transcendence, Shooter), Michael B. Jordan (Chronicle), Jamie Bell (King Kong)
Country: USA
Genre: Fantasy, Action
Conditions of visioning: 07.11.2015, In-flight entertainment 6" screen
Synopsis: Young researcher Reed Richards (Teller) invents a teleportation machine that actually leads to a world in another dimension. He will be noticed by a big company already on the tracks of building a similar machine in order to harvest resources on the other world and save ours.
Review: I didn't like the idea of this remake of a movie not even ten years old. For me the 2005 version of Fantastic Four (with Jessica Alba and Chris Evans among others) was entertaining and good-looking enough even though the story was a bit weak. I even liked the sequel Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer.
But apparently like for the Spider-man franchise, somebody decided that money could be made by starting a new cycle, so here we are with this new Fantastic 4. I actually find it remade in a better way that The Amazing Spider-Man was, thanks to a story different enough so that I didn't have the feeling every five minutes that I already had seen the movie. The fact that Sam Raimi's Spider-man original trilogy was so good didn't help in that. One negative point for the story however is that the super-heroes creation takes three quarters of the movie, leaving only a short quarter for the final confrontation. I know this is always difficult in the first movie of such franchise to establish the hero(es) and make him (them) fight his(their) first big enemy (I had the same comment on the first Iron Man) but this time it really took long to reveal this enemy (Dr. Doom) which deserved more screen time.
The scenery is much darker than in the 2005 movie (owing to the currently popular grim'n'gritty style) and the special effects better integrated and not put forward too much. My comments on the image quality are limited as I definitely didn't see the movie in optimal conditions (poor airplane screen and 4:3 formatting).
But in spite of some qualities Fantastic 4 is not really exceptional and I couldn't help but feeling that the movie will quickly be forgotten, even if a sequel is already planned for 2017.
Rating: 4 /10

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