Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fantasy Filmfest Nights 2014

So as not to wait a full year for another edition of the Fantasy Filmfest in Germany, the organizers have planned those so-called Fantasy Filmfest Nights which take place half a year after the main festival, actually last for two days and introduce 10 movies.
This year's edition in Munich will take place on March 22-23, and here are my recommendations on what to watch, more based on what I know from the directors and read about the movies than on the trailers.
The main webpage of the festival is this one:
Find this year's schedule here:
And the catalog here:

You can read more about the movies or watch trailers by clicking on their titles.

I will buy in advance (pre-sales start on March 14th) my tickets for the movies labelled GO, will not go to the ones labelled NO, and for the ones labelled MAYBE I will decide at the last minutes depending on the weather and other factors.

Saturday 22. March
14:00 The Sacrament 
This is a found footage movie that seems to be good but slightly disappointing. I will go as I like the simple style of the director Ti West (The Innkeepers). GO
16:00 Witching and Bitching
Known in Spain as Las brujas de Zugarramurdi, it is the latest movie by Alex de la Iglesia (800 Balas, El Crimen Ferpecto), deals with witches and the poster features a Jesus with a shotgun. I will go even if I didn't like so much the last I have seen from him: The Last Circus. GO
18:15 In Fear 
A movie about fear that looks like Gothika or The Tall Man. The director is not well known. I will probably have dinner rather that going. NO
20:15 Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead
This will probably be bloody gore, but I like the first Dead Snow (already by Tommy Wirkola who then directed Hansel and Gretel in the USA) that I liked, so I will go see this one. GO
22:30 Rigor Mortis
A Hong-Kong horror movie by a first-time director is very risky. MAYBE

Sunday 23. March
13:30 Wolf Creek 2
Greg McLean made a remarkable debut in 2005 with the original Survival movie Wolf Creek, and followed with the good crocodile movie Rogue (featuring Sam Worthington just before Avatar). Let us see if he manages to still surprise us with this long-awaited sequel. GO
15:30 The returned 
"In a post-zombie world, where the infected live normal lives, their retroviral drug is running out".I am tired of Zombie movies, even if this story seems more original. The director is not well known. I may go. MAYBE
17:30 Snowpiercer
I have heard some years ago already about this American movie by the Korean director Bong Joon-ho (from whom I loved the Memories of Murder), and I bought and read the French graphic novel from which it is inspired (Le Transperceneige). The story of a post-apocalyptic frozen future and the clash of classes in a high-speed train that never stops is interesting although barely believable. I read a review saying that Joon-ho made some choices betraying the original material and more fitting his style, but that overall the movie was good. GO
20:00 Enemy
The big International movie of the selection, with Jake Gyllenhaal and Mélanie Laurent. The plot is intriguing: "A man seeks out his exact look-alike after spotting him in a movie" and I have read some good about the director DenisVilleneuve for his Polytechnique, after I have watched Mars & Avril from his brother Martin. This could be a good thriller. GO
22:00 The Green inferno
An homage to the cannibalsploitation movies of the 70's-80's (in particular Cannibal Holocaust) by the trendy Eli Roth (directed Cabin Fever and Hostel 1-2, played in Piranha 3D and Inglorious Basterds, produced The Last Exorcism and Grindhouse, and personal friend to Quentin Tarantino). I am curious to see what will result, and in preparation I have watched Cannibal Holocaust in the excellent Blu-ray edition by Shameless Entertainment Video. GO

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