Sunday, January 31, 2016

What we become (2015)

Also Known As: Sorgenfri (original)
Year of first release: 2015
Director: Bo Mikkelsen
Actors: Mille Dinesen, Ole Dupont, Mikael Birkkjær
Country: DK
Genre: Horror, Drama
Conditions of visioning: 31.01.2016, Cinema Espace du Lac, GIFFF2016, Official Selection
Synopsis: In the family of Dino the most stressful is only their teenage boy hitting on the daughter of the new neighbors. That is until an epidemic forces the government to quarantine their neighborhood.
Review: This is a rather classical infected/zombies movie that cleverly focuses on the characters instead of bloody violent attacks, as I could have expected a Danish director to do. This is all very well done and the fate of the characters is a bit less dull than usual, but why oh why yet another zombie movie? I had the constant feeling that I had already seen this movie inspired by 28 Days Later and Rec among others. I still do not understand the current fascination for Zombie movies and I try to watch as few as possible, keeping it for movies of that genre that really show something new and different, and What we Become is not one of those, although I repeat that it is very well done and will probably be acclaimed by the public. In a few scenes I recognized a bit of Nicholas Winding Refn in the musical choices.
I find it outrageous that the movie is sold as a Danish version with zombies of what the Norge Morse was for vampires, only because it was produced in a nordic country and features a young girl, but she is not at all at the center of the story and the poster is also misleading and even a spoiler.
On a side note, the original title Sorgenfri is the name of the neighborhood (in Copenhagen I presume) that is quarantined.
Rating: 6 /10

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