Saturday, January 9, 2016

Machete Kills (2013)

Also Known As: -
Year of first release: 2013
Director: Robert Rodriguez (Spy Kids, Planet Terror)
Actors: Danny Trejo (From Dusk till Dawn, Planet Terror), Mel Gibson (Payback, Braveheart), Amber Heard (Zombieland), Michelle Rodriguez (Avatar), Charlie Sheen (Hot Shots 1-2), Sofía Vergara (Modern Family TV-series)
Country: USA
Genre: Action
Conditions of visioning: 08.01.2016, Blu-ray, Home cinema
Synopsis: While Machete Cortes (Trejo) works in team with Sartana (Alba) to unveil a traffic of weapon between the American military and the Mexican cartels, they will discover a conspiracy larger than they could ever imagine. The USA President (Sheen) calls the ex-Federale for help.
Review: As much as I found it a good idea to finally give to Danny Trejo a lead role in the first Machete, this sequel was maybe not necessary especially since director Robert Rodriguez didn't put too much effort in it. It starts as expected with Machete fighting the bad guys in violent exaggerated situations, looking on purpose like cheap 80's action scenes, but as the film goes on it is obvious that it contains less and less good ideas and finally relies only on the physique and acting of its famous cast.
In the current wave of 80's action revival with famous cast (I am thinking about Sin City 1 & 2 by the same director and Stallone's The Expendables 1, 2 & 3), the Machete franchise is clearly the one that drops the quickest in quality.
It is nice to see those famous actors used in opposite roles as they are used to, and there are a few good ideas (how bad can it be to see Machete ride a rocket!?) and pleasantly violent fights (especially compared to The Expendables 3), but the pace is too slow and the movie feels very long.
I found it funny that Charlie Sheen is credited in this movie with his Spanish-sounding birth name Carlos Estevez. And do not miss the fake trailer for the third movie Machete Kills in Space that will probably never be made, leaving this second one on an unfulfilled cliffhanger.
Rating: 2 /10

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