Monday, July 13, 2015

Moon (2009)

Also Known As: -
Year of first release: 2009
Director: Duncan Jones
Actors: Sam Rockwell, Kevin Spacey (voice)
Country: GB
Genre: SF
Conditions of visioning: 12.07.2015, Bluray, Original English version
Synopsis: Sam Bell (Rockwell) has a three year contract to work for Lunar Industries. For the contract's entire duration, he is the sole employee based at their lunar station. His primary job responsibility is to harvest and periodically rocket back to Earth supplies of helium-3, the current clean and abundant fuel used on Earth. There is no direct communication link available between the lunar station and Earth, so his only direct real-time interaction is with the main computer GERTY (Spacey). Just before finishing the contract, he has an accident.
Review: A video store close by is selling off. I bought then some DVD/Blurays from what they had left and especially Moon that I remembered as excellent when I saw it at its release in 2009.

This movie has an excellent story. Focus on the character. Question on the loneliness of working on a Moon station. Question on the SPOILER cloning of humans and whether clones would be humans. The format is a bit strange, having a computer as main character, like in 2001 Space odyssey or in Her. And here there is also only one actor. The exercise managed to enhance the focus on the character, his thoughts, so that an emotional relationship is created. This was great, especially by considering the second topic (SPOILER). Unfortunately it is impossible to talk more about the excellent story without spoiling the surprise. But the story becomes darker and questionning a lot about what makes humanity.
The photography and the special effects are well mastered. The one-man-show of Sam Rockwell is also excellent. The different postures, faces, reactions and states make of his role a challenge. 
Duncan Jones wrote there a great story. Hopefully the coming Warcraft that he is writing will be at the same level, even if to be original with the well-known environment of Warcraft will not be easy. 
Rating: 8 /10

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