Monday, April 27, 2015

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)

Also Known As: -
Year of first release: 2002
Director: George Lucas (THX 1138)
Actors: Hayden Christensen (Pusher), Natalie Portman (Black Swan), Ewan McGregor (Trainspotting), Samuel L. Jackson (Pulp Fiction)
Country: USA
Genre: SF, Adventure
Conditions of visioning: 22.04.2015, Blu-ray, Home cinema
Synopsis: Anakin (Christensen) has been the Padawan learner of Master Jedi Kenobi (McGregor) for ten years when he is assigned to the protection of Padme (Portman).
Review: It is interesting to notice that both central episodes of the two Star Wars trilogies end rather negatively, but while The Empire Strikes Back was the best of the original trilogy, this Episode II is the worst of all.
There are some good moments like the water planet of the cloners, the whole backstory around them (i.e. the generation of a Clone Army) and the battle on Geonosis between the droid army and tens of Jedis: it is indeed a kid's dream to see such a scene showing the Jedi order at its peak.
But none of those nice scenes can compensate for the embarrassment of George Lucas trying to show us Anakin and Padme falling in Love. It reaches heights of ridiculous when although she refuses to get involved with him, they end up one evening near a fireplace, her dressed in an arousing leather outfit.
On top of that, the actors don't look very motivated (even less than in Episode I), and for most of the outdoor scenes it is too obvious that they were shot indoors in front of blue screen. It unfortunately became a characteristic of the Prequel trilogy and I think I have read that Episode III was shot 100% indoors. This gives a "studio look" difficult to describe but that I don't like.
The lack of interest George Lucas seems to give to the way his actors play look more and more like if for him the dialog scenes were just fillers between CG shots of landscapes or battles.   
Rating: 4 /10

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