Saturday, May 25, 2013

Fünf Jahre Leben (2013)

Also Known As: Kurnaz - Fünf Jahre Leben, Five years
Year of first release: 2013
Director: Stefan Schaller
Actors: Sascha Alexander Gersak, Ben Miles
Country: D
Genre: Drama
Conditions of visioning: 24.05.2013, Schauburg
Synopsis: How Murat Kurnaz ended up in Guantanamo Bay is a mysterious story. 5 YEARS investigates the psychological aspect of this endless and unjustified "imprisonment" where Kurnaz had to endure never ending physical and psychological torture.
Review: The story of Murat Kurnaz is a novel itself. Both his German life and his Guantanamo life. The movie describes a bit his daily life in Bremen before his travel to Pakistan to learn how to be a good Moslim. The movie does not show whether Kurnaz is guilty or not, but only let Kurnaz explain what he explained to his tortionary. This way the viewer is set at the place of the judge. The measures taken by the US agents do violate all international laws, daily. It does not matter whether this is done on innocent people or not so innocent ones. But inversely to other big torturers, like Videla, Pinochet, Garrastazu Médici and Mobutu, nobody blamed G. W. Bush nor prosecuted him legally. The inaction of the German government to free Kurnaz (German citizen) is barely mentioned to focus on the brutality of the USA philosophy.
The scenery is focused on Gersak, who plays his role greatly. The scenery (few rooms only) is minimalist and this helps to focus on Gersak as well.
Compared to Kathin Bigelow (Zero Dark Thirty, The hurt locker), Stefan Schaller does not show any patriotism and result as justification for violence, but shows only humans as non-justification for violence.
Rating: 7 /10

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