Sunday, February 3, 2013

Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival 2013 (BIFFF13)

From April 2nd to 13th 2013 will take place in Brussels the 31st edition of the BIFFF. JoRafCinema will join the event from the 2nd to the 6th.
The BIFFF is one of the oldest, biggest and best known Fantastic Film Festivals in Europe. It seems like it was at its best 10-15 years ago, so it is now declining but it is still a major event!
I was there last year for a couple of days, and I enjoyed a lot the mood of the Festival. The public has some tradition of interacting with the movie being projected, and this makes the Festival very much alive. The events around the projection are also very good: body painting, Zombie parade, Vampire ball, director interviews, master classes, concerts and a bar where you can enjoy a cheap but good belgian beer.

Note that for the first year the Festival is changing venue. It will now be hosted by the Palais des Beaux-Arts (Center for Fine Arts), right in the town center! This location replaces the historical Tour & Taxis exhibition hall. The projection room will surely be more comfortable and provide a better viewing experience. Let's hope there will be enough room for all the other activities as well.

All available information is on the Festival website:
I expect the programme to be available in March. Stay tuned for a review of the programme at that period, and a full report after the Festival.

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