Dear Cinephiles,
for the first time in the history of JoRafCinema a month passed without a single post, and that was the month of February 2019. This can be explained by one of us being on a long holiday far from civilization, and the other busy with a new project.
It followed an already poor January during which we can only mention the French 50's Polar Razzia sur la Chnouf with Jean Gabin, and the 2017 Italian Ammore e malavita (Love and Bullets).
March was better with American movies like the action-packed Mission: Impossible - Fallout, the 90's revival The Predator, the bizarre The Lobster with Colin Farrell and the Tarantino cult Pulp Fiction.
We found interesting the documentary Behind the Curve about the growing Flat-Earth community, still enjoyed the TV-show Daredevil in its third season, and described our love for the three existing seasons of the animated Rick and Morty.
Finally we went to see the mandatory Captain Marvel and took the time to write in an article our opinion about the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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