Wednesday, April 24, 2019

U.S. Marshals (1998)

Also Known As: -
Year of first release: 1998
Director: Stuart Baird (Star Trek: Nemesis)
Actors: Tommy Lee Jones (Men in Black 1-3, The Fugitive), Wesley Snipes (Demolition Man, Blade 1-3), Robert Downey Jr. (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Iron Man 1-3)
Country: USA
Genre: Thriller, Polar
Conditions of visioning: 14.04.2019, VOD, 10" tablet screen.
Synopsis: U.S. Marshal Samuel Gerard (Jones) and his team of Marshals are assigned to track down Sheridan (Snipes), who has been accused of a double-murder.
Review: After enjoying The Fugitive, I waited just a few weeks before watching this sequel which I guessed was not as good. In order to give the audience more of what it liked in the first movie, in this one another innocent prisoner escapes in incredible circumstances and is tracked by U. S. Marshall Samuel Gerard and his team. Exit Harrison Ford replaced by Wesley Snipes who was quite popular at that time, just before leading in the Blade Trilogy which were his last big roles. In fact, although I find him usually overplaying, in U. S. Marshals I find him rather reserved which is a good thing and may be because he is not the lead in this movie (Jones is).
In the end it is a well-thought sequel: we get more of what we liked in The Fugitive but of course scaled up: plane crash instead of train, Gerard shows off more than ever, a race across the country with many unpredictable encounters with the fugitive to keep the tension high, an extra-complexity in the story (via the character play by Robert Downey Jr.), a less omnipotent Marshal, and that fugitive being more than meets the eyes. However, I didn't like that last addition which detached the fugitive from the audience, where in the first movie we were really feeling for this innocent victim (the surgeon) that could have been any of us.
I find that this build-up of more action was not always justified nor necessary. I think they nailed it in The Fugitive and it was hard to do anything different enough and better at the same time. A pleasant attempt anyway.
Rating: 6 /10

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