Friday, June 5, 2015

Robocop (2014)

Also Known As: -
Year of first release: 2014
Director: José Padilha (Elite Squad 1-2)
Actors: Joel Kinnaman (The Darkest Hour), Gary Oldman (Lost in Space), Michael Keaton (Batman, Birdman), Jackie Earle Haley (Watchmen), Jay Baruchel (This is the End, The Sorcerer's Apprentice), Samuel L. Jackson (Pulp Fiction)
Country: USA
Genre: Action, SF
Conditions of visioning: 01.06.2015, Blu-ray, Home cinema
Synopsis: In the near future, the corporation Omnicorp is trying to lift the ban on peace-keeping robots on American soil. Their idea to go this way: a man-machine.
Review: From what I read, José Padilha's first movie Elite Squad played a big role in the decision taken to hire him to direct this remake of the 1987 violent satire by Paul Verhoeven which I like a lot. I have already acquired the Blu-ray of that first film and am eager to watch it and its sequel. I was not really in favor of a remake and feared it would be as bad and useless as Total Recall, also remake of Paul Verhoeven's Total Recall. It is in fact better than that (I have adjusted the rating of Total Recall in light of that comparison) although for me a remake was still not justified.
I liked the special effects in the opening scene of urban warfare for example. The black armor is a big change but didn't disturb me too much, a difference had to be made with the original movie. The actors are not bad, the story makes sense and the motivation of the characters clear and strong, and I liked the references to the original movie (The ED 209, "I wouldn't buy that for a dollar") and the attempts at satire although not as corrosive as Verhoeven's. Those satirical moments are almost all concentrated in the talk-show hosted by the character of Samuel L. Jackson and quotes like "What is more important than the safety of the American people", or "Some of you even believe that the use of these drones overseas makes us the same kind of bullying imperialists that our forefathers were trying to escape. To you, I say... Stop whining! America is now and always will be the greatest country on the face of the Earth!" with a huge waving flag in the background.
But in spite of those positive points Robocop will never reach the cult status of its predecessor. I just learned that its most recent release contains the even more violent Paul Verhoeven director's cut. A reason enough for me to upgrade the current Blu-ray version I already own, which is something I rarely do.
Rating: 6 /10

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