Saturday, November 8, 2014

He ovat paenneet (2014)

Also Known As: They Have Escaped, Auf der Flucht
Year of first release: 2014
Director: J-P Valkeapää
Actors: Teppo Manner, Roosa Söderholm
Country: FIN
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Conditions of visioning: 30.10.2014, CineStar3, NFDL2014, OV Finnish with English subtitles
Synopsis: Shy Joni (Manner) has to perform alternate military service at a home for problem youths in the country. There he befriends the unmanageable punk Raisa (Söderholm), who wants nothing more than to escape. One day the two of them take a car belonging to the facility and embark on a seemingly endless journey across the country. Joni hardly says a word, since he stutters. Still, the fire which extroverted Raisa wears on the outside burns inside him as well and she keeps urging him on. Free from any authority, they live every day to its fullest, though the emotional and physical shadows of their past catch up with them.
Review: The story merges a teenager/young adult drama in which both know each other and find a balance of their own behaviour and feelings; and a thriller part in which I was bluffed by the downhill of nihilism against both characters. There are not many dialogues but the communication to the viewer is done via other means, sounds, music and close-ups on the faces of the two main characters. 
The directing is original with many good ideas in the story for events in the story or how to use the scenery (e.g. milk packs, masks, animals).
Rating: 6 /10

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