Thursday, August 2, 2012

Watchmen (2009)

Also Known As: -
Year of first release: 2009
Director: Zack Snyder (300, Dawn of the Dead)
Actors: Jackie Earle Haley (Shutter Island), Patrick Wilson (Hard Candy), Carla Gugino, Malin Akerman
Country: USA
Genre: SF
Conditions of visioning: 31.07.2012, Blu-ray, Home cinema
Synopsis: Some years after their activities have been made outlaw, we follow a group of masked heroes in this parallel 1985 when Nixon is still president. One of them is killed, and another starts to investigate on it. Can this be a new threat to them, or to us all?
Review: I had only good reasons to watch this movie. I was fascinated by the comics book from Alan Moore that I read around 2008 (widely recognized as one of the best ever). I found this story of two generations of masked heroes well written, intriguing, possessing many levels of reading and sub-stories. When I think it was written by episodes, back in 1986! Then I had liked the previous movies by Zack Snyder, and his style and passion for the original material seemed to make him the perfect director for this movie. And he did it indeed: adapting the static vignettes of a comics book into motion, like he has done successfully with 300. When you liked the comics like I did, some scenes put to motion become iconic. My favorite moment of the movie is the birth of Dr Manathan, accompanied by a tantalizing music. I had shivers the first time I saw it.
This being said, I believe that this story was better told on paper than on film. That is probably why the movie didn't have a big success, and was quickly forgotten. I think the best visual moments of the movie and the best dialog lines were already in the comics, actually like in 300. So the movie is good, partly because the director style was good and well adapted, but mainly because the original material was excellent.
Rating: 7 /10


  1. J'en suis sortie mitigee de ce film. Ya de tres bons elements, comme le fait que ce soit des heros qui vieillissent, le fait qu'ils soient humains aussi (dc avec des faiblesses, des cotes obscurs). Mais c'etait long j'ai trouvé et un peu "durcheinander" ;). J'ai pas lu les comics et pourtant j'ai eu la forte impression que le realisateur a voulu etre trop fidele aux comics et comme tu dis, le film en est moins bien. Ya pas eu vraiment d'adapation au format "film".
    Bref... bof en somme :)

  2. Oui je trouve que les scènes d'action sont pas mal mais sinon les meilleurs éléments viennent de la BD.
