Friday, May 31, 2019

Dunkirk (2017)

Also Known As: -
Year of first release: 2017
Director: Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight trilogy, Inception)
Actors: Fionn Whitehead, Barry Keoghan, Mark Rylance (Ready Player One), Tom Hardy (Inception, The Dark Knight Rises)
Country: GB, NL, F, USA
Genre: War, Drama
Conditions of visioning: 30.04.2019, in-flight entertainment, 10" tablet screen.
Synopsis: Early in WWII, the German army has surrounded the town of Dunkirk and hundreds of thousands of allied troops in it. The British Government has asked all available ship, army or private, to go get then back to Britain, while the few available plane try to protect the convoy.
Review: I usually find that one has to be in a special good mood to watch a movie about WWII because they are usually rather depressing, like Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan or The Pianist. Dunkirk is different in that it really focuses on courage and hope, while showing you the interleaved fate of about four different groups of people during that couple of days. I should have written "magnificently showing you", thanks to the talent of the crew behind Christopher Nolan still at his best. The whole movie looks good and very realistic, although all stories are apparently pure fiction but convey the feeling of what it was like to be there, which is what I ask from such a movie. I find great all the stories but like in particular the aerial shots. Again I wish I had seen it in a (home) cinema. Nolan uses Hans Zimmer as composer like he did for example on The Dark Knight trilogy, and this one re-uses the strings theme that was so successful at building up tension in those movies.
All stories are screaming truth thanks to incredible actors, in particular Mark Rylance (Ready Player One), Kenneth Branagh (Wild Wild West, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit) and James d'Arcy (Agent Carter TV-series) and above all Tom Hardy (Inception, The Dark Knight Rises) as a R.A.F. pilot who manages to convey so much although most of the time we only see the top of his head behind an aviator's mask.
I was afraid of watching Dunkirk because of too much confusion between the stories (one or two critics titles I had read, totally not justified) and a too dark tone, but I was pleasantly surprised by the focus on courage and hope, as already said.
Rating: 8 /10

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