Saturday, February 3, 2018

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011)

Also Known As: -
Year of first release: 2011
Director: Bill Condon (Mr Holmes, Beauty and the Beast)
Actors: Kristen Stewart (Snow White and the Huntsman), Robert Pattinson (Cosmopolis), Taylor Lautner
Country: USA
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Horror
Conditions of visioning: 31.01.2018, VOD, 10" tablet screen.
Synopsis: Bella and Edward (Stewart & Pattinson) can't be set apart, while the frustrated lover Jacob (Lautner) can only witness their love grow. But their closeness will lead to the genesis of an unexpected new player.
Review: As the first movie in the two-part conclusion of the saga initiated in 2008 by Twilight followed by two mediocre episodes, I was watching this movie with suspicion, knowing that such methods are usually stretching thin a story into two cinema releases in order to make more cash before the saga runs out (remember Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?). I was glad that it is not the case although there are some lengths in the movie but they just follow the usual slow languorous romance that characterizes the saga.
I was glad also that the movie gets straight to the point at the beginning with (spoiler if you haven't seen the previous episodes) the wedding. This opening also made me realize the weird timescale of the saga: all of it is supposed to happen within a school semester! It is hard to keep consistency in the actor's look as they age five years across the five movies. I liked that my realization was echoed by the reactions Bella's father, seemingly in shock by what happens so fast to his little daughter.
Then came the super-romantic super-boring part that I had to endure, but after that a change occurred which I hadn't expected. I can't spoil too much for the few who haven't seen the movie and still wish to, but it takes a welcome more adult turn in its third act, including some disturbing horror and gore tones that shouldn't surprise in a vampire movie but could do so in the midst of some cheesy romance like the saga accustomed us to.
And the last scene takes us to a satisfying moment that then feels unavoidable, while until then it only seemed like the result of poor judgment by the heroin. So close to the end I am now almost looking forward to what it will bring.
Rating: 5 /10

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