Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)

Also Known As: -
Year of first release: 2010
Director: David Slade (Hard Candy, 30 Days of Night, 1 episode of Black Mirror)
Actors: Kristen Stewart (Snow White and the Huntsman), Robert Pattinson (Cosmopolis), Taylor Lautner
Country: USA
Genre: Romance, Fantasy
Conditions of visioning: 23.01.2018, VOD, 10" tablet screen.
Synopsis: As Bella (Stewart) is the target of an army of vampires created by Victoria who hates her, her lover Edward (Pattinson) and contender Jacob (Lautner) may have to unite to protect her.
Review: More young adolescent romance in this third movie from the saga initiated by Twilight, but it is fortunately not as bad as New Moon. At least I got the feeling that the story progresses, takes some scale (more enemies are involved) and takes more time to develop its characters which was about time. Thus we are treated with flashbacks about the oldest characters, which gives them a little bit more interest, although Alice is the only one that is slightly noticeable. The "arch-enemy" Victoria is so discreet that I hadn't even notice the change of actress from Rachelle Lefèvre to Bryce Dallas Howard (Jurassic World, the Black Mirror season 3 episode Nosedive).
If the first movie was about Bella and Edward and the second about her and Jacob, in this one they live a kind of Ménage à trois so that at some point the two boys event have to talk about their feelings together. But for me the most annoying in Eclipse is the character of Bella. I think she is written so that every teenage girl can identify with her and her romantic troubles. She is a compendium of all that one can do bad as a teenager: she is just 17, virgin, believes in love at first sight with a very mysterious guy who is by the way 103 years old so what about a pervert, and thinks that she was different "all her life", justifying her decision to want to become a vampire, and get married at the same time. Meanwhile when she briefly asks her father, he is more like: "a second marriage, yeah why not without doing the mistakes of the first" and as to do the total opposite she takes a life-changing decision far more binding than marriage or children.
That probably makes a lot of (non)sense in the head of a 17 years old teenager at the end of puberty, but not much to a 40-year old that has lived a little. But maybe that's the purpose of those movies, to take us to a voyage back to our young and crazy years, ignoring the facts of life. Let's see how this will end...
Rating: 4 /10

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