Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Sabotage (2014)

Also Known As: -
Year of first release: 2014
Director: David Ayer (Street Kings, Fury, Suicide Squad)
Actors: Arnold Schwarzenegger (Predator, The Terminator), Sam Worthington (Avatar, Rogue), Terrence Howard (Iron Man), Kevin Vance (Fury), Josh Holloway (Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol), Max Martini (Pacific Rim), Harrold Perrineau (The Matrix Reloaded)
Country: USA
Genre: Action
Conditions of visioning: 02.10.2017, VOD, 32" TV.
Synopsis: "Breacher" (Schwarzenegger) leads a team expert in the infiltration of drug cartels. After a bust the money they had taken disappears, which will make them have trouble with both their superiors and an unknown killer.
Review: There is no way around it: this movie is bad. I watched it to see some action and what is Arnie up to those days, and it turned out to be a waste of time. Apart from the salary of the many known faces in the DEA strike team (reminding of The Expendables), it seems like there was no money left for writing a good story, shooting or editing it (the abrupt cuts and ellipses are really hard to watch), recording a suitable music or telling the actors what to do. Surprising knowing the director's next movie Fury, but not when knowing the following Suicide Squad.
Only the barely recognizable Sam Worthington (Avatar) makes a good impression every time he is on screen. I don't know how he landed there...
There are a few nice brutal action scenes but the violence is neither justified nor well-integrated in the story. Hell, I still don't understand why they took money in the first place and how everybody came to know about it!
Rating: 1 /10

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